BEAUTY TEA | roots, leaves and flowers

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BEAUTY TEA | roots, leaves and flowers

from CA$23.00

Cleansing can be used to improve poor health, sustain good health, and boost overall vitality and wellbeing. We are bombarded daily with chemicals from our environment, our food and our inner metabolic processes. Herbs and lifestyle changes can help clean out the detox pathway, creating a healthy liver and endocrine system. Our good health ensures a regular mensural flow, clears acne and skin conditions, makes us radiant , and provides good energy.

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Herbs can be used to promote the natural elimination functions of the body. Those generally used are classified as alteratives, they use to me know as blood cleaners. Different herbs are used to address each of the normal we limitation pathways which include liver, kidney, bladder, bowel, lymphatic and skin.

Start the following herbal teas to help with a cleanse or to support us in this change of season.

Roots: (Liver/ Gallbladder cleansing herbs)

Dandelion root, Milk Thistle, Burdock Root, Astragalus, Oregon Grape Root, Yellow Dock, , Licorice

Decoction: 1tsp per cup ( 4tsp-4cups) simmered 30min then steeped overnight. You can use roots up to 3 times adding less water or more herbs ever time. 2/3 cup per day. Can keep refrigerated for 2 days.

Leaves and Flowers: (blood, lymph, and kidney cleansing herbs)

Red Clover, Stinging Nettle, Dandelion Leaf, Peppermint, Calendula, Horsetail, Violet, Gotu Kola, Golden Rod

Tea: 2 heaping tsp. per cup boiling water, steep 10 min. 2/3cup per day

This is a very limited batch! You can order together or separate. For optimal success doing both roots, leaves and flowers will help elimination process.

Three week program:

ELIMINATE SUGAR, SOFT DRINKS, ALCOHOL, COFFEE, SALTY OR FRIED FOOD AND ALL SWEETS. Cut down on grains, dairy and meat, try to eat mostly veggies.

Add: Fresh fruit, Raw veggies and salad (lots of spring bitters), High quality protein, fish or fowl, Herbal teas, Fresh fruit juice or vegetables juice

I add in a week of mono foods or on the days off I do mono foods, along with very clean eating for the rest of the time. You can see my favorite way to do an extra cleansing week for a great reset HERE!

Astragalus - from china, helps build entire system. 

Burdock - nourishing herb, high in minerals, especially iron. Also cleansing for the liver and lymph system. Very good for skin problems if taken for 3-4 wk.

Dandelion - root and leave are great. Root is herb supreme for liver! Detox and nourishes at the same time. Great for skin. Acts as tonic for endocrine system. 

Nettle- best liver and blood tonic. Very high in minerals, especially iron and calcium. Blood enriching, so great for young women. Good for mood swings and diuretic so good for bloating. 

Licorice - endocrine gland tonic normalizes hormones.

Oregon grape root- considered west coasts counterpart to goldenseal. Great for liver and liver congestion. Stimulating to bile, thus enhancing liver. Helps digest oils and fats in sluggish system.

Yellow dock root - rich in minerals, especially iron. Great if chronically tired or stressed. Detoxify, cleans, and enriches. Good for stubborn skin issues